
March 10, 2014

The Nameless Warrior Quest

The Nameless Warrior Quest
First take the 4 bases down in the bottom right corner.
Each time you capture a base you should recieve a "Keyword"
Once you have captured the 4 Bases you should have a total of 4 "Keywords"
Once you have received the 4 "Keywords you will need to defeat the officer with
the Name that consists of all 4 of these "KeyWords"
Pay Attention to the Chat log to find out what the "Keywords" are

Use the map above as a guide to finding out where the officer is.
The "Keywords" will form a total of 12 Combinations.
The Combinations are below as well as the approximate area that they are in.

The Possible Combinations are:
竹門日耳 =「簡耳」   (He will be in Area 1)
糸田刀口 =「田紹」   (He will be in Area 1)
示頁工林 =「項禁」   (He will be in Area 2)
魚呈日禾 =「魯程」   (He will be in Area 2)
斗韋余行 =「衛斜」   (He will be in Area 3)
李公耳心 =「李聡」   (He will be in Area 3)
日魚尚巾 =「魯常」   (He will be in Area 4)
寸牛身言 =「牛謝」   (He will be in Area 4)
子工木貝 =「李貢」   (He will be in Area 5)
木木子公 =「李松」   (He will be in Area 5)
才子近系 =「孫逝」   (He will be in Area 6)
子糸己皿 =「紀孟」   (He will be in Area 6)
Capturing all bases and defeating the right person
before the timer reaches 4:09 will result in a Grade S
Please be aware that there are other officers
who may have VERY similar looking names. 
However they are usually in different Areas.
(Killing the wrong person results in failure)

March 09, 2014

How to create a WebMoney Code for GameCity

Make sure you're logged into your WebMoney Wallet.
Click on the button in the red box to begin making the code.
Click on the area in the Red box to create your code. 
Enter in the Amount of WebMoney Points that you want in the code.
And then choose the Website that you want to use the code on. 
Click the button at the bottom to continue on.
Confirm that the information is right.
before checking the box to agree to the Terms and Services.
Click on the Button at the bottom to create your code.

Once you have reached this page you should see the
code that you have created along with the
amount of points is in the Code.
(The newest code is always at the top)

Purchasing Musou Coins via WebMoney

Go to the following website to purchase Musou Coins.
Right click the Link below and select Open link in new tab
(Clicking the link directly may overtake the current page.)

Step 1. Enter your GameCity ID and Password.
Step 2. Click on the ログイン Button.


Step 1. Select the Amount that is on the WebMoney PrePaid Code. (1 WM point = 1 Yen/円)
Step 2. Click on the Button 注文するButton.

Click on the 注文手続きへ Button.

Click on the 次のステップへ Button.

Click on the 次のステップへ Button.

Click on the 次のステップへ Button.

 Click on the 注文する button (Please only click on this button once)

Click on the Web Money button.

Click on the WebMoney決済を行う Button.

Click on the button in the red box to purchase Musou Coins
directly from your WebMoney Wallet.
Enter your WebMoney Account details
and then click the button to confirm the purchase.
Click on the yellow button to confirm your purchase once more.

Once you arrive at this page it means that your purchase has been successful.
You may now close this screen.
(wait a couple of minutes for the Musou Coins to register.)

How to create a WebMoney Account

Go to the WebMoney Site.
(Clicking on the link below directly will overtake the current page)
Click the アカウントの作成はこちら  Button to create a new account.
 Step 1. Enter your Email Address.
Step 2. Click the 次へ Button. 
Go to your Email Account and find the WebMoney Email
(Image may vary depending on Mail service)

Open up the WebMoney Email and Click on the following Link.

Fill out the following Information.
Click on the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Then click the button underneath to confirm the account creation.

Enter the details for your WebMoney Account.
Then click on the ログイン Button.

Click on the プリペイド番号 Option.
Click to agree and continue to the next page.

Enter your 16 Alphanumeric Code into the box.
And then click the 次へ Button.

Once you have confirmed the information.
Click on the チャージ Button.
Look at the area in the red box to confirm that your
WebMoney Points has been successfully entered.