
January 19, 2014

Translated Quest Names

Translated the Names of the Quests from the NPCs
(May not have all Quests, and may contain mistakes)
Rank E Quests

娘を救い出せ - Rescue the Daughter
幻の酒 - The Legendary Wine
息子の更正 - The Rectified Son
鉄材の収集 - Gathering Iron
算法老師の問い - The Mathematician
Rank D Quests
密売組織掃討戦  - The Smuggling Ring
悪いのは誰?- Who's the Bad One?
戦場の亡霊 - Ghosts of the Battle Field
捕虜と盗品の奪還 - The Prisoner and Goods
援軍出撃要請 - Reinforcement Request
有閑七賢人 - The Seven Wise Men
湖沼の怪 - Mystery of the Marsh
行方しれずの兄弟 - The Missing Brothers
迷惑な道士 - Troublesome Mage
算法老師再び - The Mathematician Returns
楼多くとも三人で - The Effort of Three
弟子を連れ戻せ - Rescue the Apprentice
囲まれた討伐隊 - The Surrounded Coalition
兵は神速を尊ぶ -  Solider Prizes Speed
敵伝令の捕獲 - Capture the Messenger
敵訓練所の破壊 - Destory the Facility
闇取引を阻止せよ - Stop the Black Market 
富豪と金と頭領と - Wealth, Money, Boss
Rank C Quests (There are quite a few missing)
川島の特訓団 - Island Training Corps 
戦わずして勝て - Victory Without Fighting
楼多くて功少し - Much Effort, Little Reward 
泉の仙人 -  Mystic of the Springs
盗品回収 - The Stolen Goods
腕試し運試し -Trial of Luck and Skill 
落ちぶれ道士 - The Fallen Mage
遺言状の謎 - The Mystery of the Will
醴泉の湧くところ - The Wonderous Spring
赤い馬 - The Red Horse
北斗と南斗 - The North and South Dippers
月の絆 - Moon Bond
落ちこぼれ黄布軍 - The Failed Yellow Turbans
三者三様三賊軍 - Three People, Three Ideas 
伝令護送作戦 - Escort the Messenger
敗走兵追撃戦 -  Pursuit of the Enemy
要塞にて特訓 - Training at the Stronghold
城内にて特訓 - Training within the Castle
雪妃の羽衣 - The Snow Princess's Robe
途絶えた輸送路 - The Severed Route
仕立て職人の依頼 - Master Craftsman's Request 
Rank B Quests (Missing quite a few Quests)
不気味な兵士群 -
街道整備 - Road Maintenance
山道整備 - Path Maintenance
魔城の幻術士 - The Wizards in the Castle
二人で腕と運試し - Trial of Luck and Skill 2
昆虫採集 - Insect Collecting
狙われた船団 - The Targeted Fleet
路峰を救え! - Rescue Lu Feng
連合軍討伐 - Defeat the Allies
不死の香炉 - Censer of Longevity
盗賊団撃退戦 - Eliminate the Bandits
強まれば弱まらん - Strength and Weakness
三人組の挑戦 - Challenge from the Trio
Rank A Quests
天候将軍 - Weather General
謎の張家軍 - Mysterious Zhangs
五虚将軍現る - General Wu Xu

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